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  • Origem: Estados Unidos
  • Genero: Deathcore
> Faixas <
  1. Intro
  2. The Great Awakening
  3. Purification
  4. You Cant Turn A Ho Into A Housewife

> Faixas <
  1. In Due Time - Bloodgulch
  2. In Due Time - Tear Open My Chest Bloody Sunday The Curse
  3. Bloody Sunday - The Curse
  4. Bloody Sunday - Friend Was Your Name
  5. Bloody Sunday - The Stand
  6. Hanover Saints - Cuts And Scrapes
  7. Hanover Saints - Truth Rings Out
  8. Symphony In Peril - Lament
  9. Symphony In Peril - Portrtait
  10. Symphony In Peril - The Quotidian Succession
  11. Symphony In Peril - Letting Go Would Be An End
  12. Nodes Of Ranvier - Butcher The Baker + The Candlestick Maker
  13. Nodes Of Ranvier - A Life Wasted Sleeping
  14. Nodes Of Ranvier - Faith In The Faux
  15. Nodes Of Ranvier - Don't Blink (Or We May Miss It)
  16. Shockwave - Introduction To Oblivion / Swindle
  17. Shockwave - Kickback
  18. Shockwave - The Ultimate Doom
  19. Shockwave - Merge For The Kill
  20. Comeback Kid - Die Tonight
  21. Comeback Kid - Step Ahead
  22. Comeback Kid - Give And Take
  23. Comeback Kid - Changing Face
  24. Comeback Kid - All In A Year
  25. Comeback Kid - Lorelei

  • Origem: Estados Unidos
  • Genero: Hard Rock
> Faixas <
  1. Deuce
  2. Strutter
  3. Let Me Go Rock and Roll
  4. Lick It Up
  5. Calling Dr. Love
  6. Psycho Circus
  7. Beth
  8. Forever
  9. Goin' Blind
  10. Sure Know Something
  11. Shandi
  12. Detroit Rock City
  13. King of the Night Time World
  14. Do You Love Me
  15. Shout It Out Loud
  16. God of Thunder
  17. Love Gun
  18. Black Diamond
  19. Great Expectations
  20. I Was Made for Loving You
  21. Rock and Roll All Nite
> Faixas <
  1. Poison The Well - (Interview I)
  2. Poison The Well - Slice Paper Wrists
  3. Shai Hulud - (Interview I)
  4. Shai Hulud - My Heart Bleeds The Darkest Blood
  5. Buried Alive - (Interview I)
  6. Buried Alive - Worthless
  7. Brother`s Keeper - (Interview I)
  8. Brother`s Keeper - God Damn Son Of A Bitch
  9. One King Down - (Interview I)
  10. One King Down - Gravity Wins Again
  11. Bane - (Interview I)
  12. Bane - What Makes Us Strong / Superhero
  13. Converge - Conduit
  14. Every Time I Die - (Interview)
  15. Every Time I Die - Your Touch Versus Death
  16. Eighteen Visons - (Interview I)
  17. Eighteen Visons - Who Killed John Lennon?
  18. Reach The Sky - (Interview I)
  19. Reach The Sky - World Stands Stills
  20. Walls Of Jericho - (Interview I)
  21. Walls Of Jericho - A Day And A Thousand Years
  22. Nora - (Interview I)
  23. Nora - The Neverendingyouline
  24. Converge - Color Me Blood Red
  25. Eighteen Visions - (Interview II)
  26. Eighteen Visions - The Psychotic Thought...
  27. Poison The Well - (Interview II)
  28. Poison The Well - Nerdy
  29. Bane - (Interview II)
  30. Bane - Can We Start Again?
  31. Walls Of Jericho - (Interview II)
  32. Walls Of Jericho - Why Father
  33. The Hope Conspiracy - (Interview)
  34. The Hope Conspiracy - Escapist
  35. Brother`s Keeper - (Interview II)
  36. Brother`s Keeper - Cranium
  37. Shai Hulud - (Interview II)
  38. Shai Hulud - Solely Concentrating On The...
  39. One King Down - (Interview II)
  40. One King Down - More Hate Than Fear
  41. Idle Hands - (Interview)
  42. Idle Hands - Treaty
  43. Killswitch Engage - (Interview)
  44. Killswitch Engage - Vide Infra
  45. Buried Alive - (Interview II)
  46. Buried Alive - Kill Their Past
  47. Poison The Well - (Interview III)
  48. Poison The Well - Artist`s Rendering Of Me
  49. Converge - The Saddest Day
  1. Buried Alive - Watch You Die
  2. Eighteen Visions - Russian Ruolette With A Trigger Happy Manic Depressive
  3. Bane - In Pieces
  4. Brother`s Keeper - Magic Bullet
  5. Converge - Locust Reign
  6. Nora - Kill You For A Dollar
  7. One King Down - Defiant
  8. Poison The Well - My Mirror No Longer Reflects
  9. Reach The Sky - The Case Is On
  10. Shai Hulud - A Profound Hatred Of Man
  11. Walls Of Jericho - Misanthropy

  • Origem: Estados Unidos
  • Genero: Hard Rock
> Faixas <
  1. Creatures of the night
  2. Deuce
  3. I just wanna
  4. Unholy
  5. Heaven´s on fire
  6. Watchin you
  7. Domino
  8. I was made for lovin´you
  9. I still love you
  10. Rock and roll all nite
  11. Lick it up
  12. Forever
  13. Take it off
  14. I love it loud
  15. Detroit rock city
  16. God gave rock and roll to you II
  17. Star spangled banner

  • Origem: Estados Unidos
  • Genero: Hard Rock
> Faixas <
  1. Detroit Rock City
  2. King of the Night Time World
  3. God of Thunder
  4. Great Expectations
  5. Flaming Youth
  6. Sweet Pain
  7. Shout It Out Loud
  8. Beth
  9. Do You Love Me

  • Origem: Estados Unidos
  • Genero: Hard Rock
> Faixas <
  1. I Stole Your Love
  2. Christine Sixteen
  3. Got Love For Sale
  4. Shock Me - 3:47
  5. Tomorrow And Tonight
  6. Love Gun
  7. Hooligan
  8. Almost Human
  9. Plaster Caster
  10. Then She Kissed Me

  • Origem: Alemanha
  • Genero: Original Gothic Metal/Rock
> Faixas <
  1. Die Sehnsucht in mir
  2. Mandira Nabula
  3. A.u.S.
  4. Feuer
  5. A prayer for your heart
  6. I lost my star in Krasnodar
  7. Die Taube
  8. Call me with the voice of love
  9. Der tote Winkel
  10. Koma

  • Origem: Suiça
  • Genero: Folk Metal/Pagan
  1. Sacrapos - At First Glance
  2. Brictom
  3. The Arcane Dominion
  4. A Girl's Oath
  5. Within the Grove
  6. The Cauldron of Renascence
  7. Nata
  8. Omnos
  9. Carnutian Forest
  10. Dessumiis Luge
  11. Gobanno
  12. Voveso in Mori
  13. Memento
  14. Ne Regv Na
  15. Sacrapos - The Disparaging Last Gaze